01Your application
02First round
03Second round
04Contract offer

Open positions Start your career here 

Discover our exciting jobs in an inspiring environment! Our team is passionate about working together and offers you the opportunity to play an active role and realise your full potential. Just 4 steps to your dream job.

Working for MTF 

Our employees are our most important asset. We are proud that many of our team members have been with us for many years, and some even started their careers here. As a progressive and responsible employer, we offer fair compensation, excellent social benefits, and an open, trusting corporate culture. Get to know us – we look forward to meeting you!

Play: Karriere bei MTF: Mehr als nur ein Job

Exciting Projects

You will be involved in exciting projects with clients from various industries and using different technologies.


You have supervisors who support you, give you the freedom to grow, and focus on strengthening your development, both on the job and off the job.


With us, you work independently and with a lot of responsibility in a team you can rely on.


We pursue your goals together through regular and appreciative feedback conversations, so that your potential is always at the forefront.


Career at MTF 

At MTF, the professional and personal development of employees takes centre stage. The company offers a wide range of career opportunities that are promoted both on and off the job. Targeted training programmes, mentoring and internal job opportunities allow talented individuals to develop their individual strengths and acquire new skills. MTF creates a corporate culture in which employees feel comfortable and can realise their full potential.


Apprenticeship & Studies 


Your professional education is very important to us. Do you want to turn your passion for IT into a career? With us, you can pursue an apprenticeship as an ICT specialist, computer scientist (EFZ), or business administrator (EFZ) (location: Schwerzenbach). Send your application documents and arrange a trial day to learn more.


Dive into the exciting world of MTF! Have you studied business informatics or computer science and want to apply your knowledge in practice? Start a traineeship with us or write your thesis at our company.


Your Team 


Our team is a vibrant mix of innovative thinkers, qualified problem solvers, and passionate team players. They are the driving force behind our projects, making a difference every day. Get to know your future teammates.

Facts & Figures 

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Do you have Questions ?

Manfred Dick
System Administrator